Tuesday, January 20, 2009

let's pretend we're grown-ups

i have a new blog up and running, it's "professional" so i don't talk about getting drunk or boyfriends or use curse words & etc. it's weird, trying to be "professional." not long ago, i was at a party where i didn't know anyone but my friend who was hosting it. pretty soon after i started socializing, i realized everyone thought i was nutty or cRaZzy. i don't know how to explain it, but i couldn't just be myself and be hilarious without everyone looking at me in shock/disgust. i had to reel it in, change my strategy, and pretend these people are my clients and act accordingly. i guess they all knew each other, and when you get some tattooed girl in their circle who drinks straight gin and talks like a sailor, everyone pays attention and "judges." maybe i'm the one who is judging, but that's just how i felt the other night. so being "professional" is new for me. i've given up on being a punk and having scabies and warrants, but i'm not comfortable being the other way either. yeah, it's a bitch trying grow up when you're all set in your old ways.
so anyways, check out the new blog!

1 comment:

Uber Miguel said...

sounds tough when you put it like that.. I have trouble believing that anyone wouldn't love your fun approach to life (or have I ever even seen it?) - but surely there's a happy medium to be found. For instance, perhaps you could think of it in terms of letting your ideas and perspective run wild while keeping your mannerisms and language under the radar?

I dunno.. but if I'm sure of anything, I'm sure that if it's even remotely possible to have fun, be yourself, and be professional at the same time, you'll find a way to do it!
